Sophie turns One!

well I am certain… our cat is pretty spoiled… I’m ok with it…
This little Sophie came to us at a very hectic time a year ago… life was bonkers and we were faced with many different hard things… she helped us find our calm… she helped us realize what really matters… being together, keeping things simple…
It’s probably ok that things were hectic and she came along… we probably wouldn’t have said yes any other way…
I think there is something so sweet about a child and a pet… I heard about it… but until you actually have one yourself you just don’t really know…
I know it’s hard, you have to clean up and vacuum more and get woke with little wet noses… but gosh it’s so sweet and we love this little fluff ball so! I think I will always be happy with a little kitty… I had one growing up… They just are sweet lovable little muffins…
Happy Birthday Sweet Sophie Mittens Carlsson! You are so loved!!!