a fun visit!

gosh I just love that last little hour of light… a bit before dinner… that time when the kids start to get tired but just don’t want to say good-bye to the day…
For us maybe one is inside cooking while the other is throwing a ball or shooting some hoops… get all that last bit of energy out before it’s time to turn in…

 It was so much fun having my sister-in-law and her sweet family over this fall! Like REALLY FUN! I had a blast getting to know my sweet niece Ronja-Elsie! She’s a doll and I just want to squeeze her up! It’s hard having that ocean between our families but the good with it is when we do see each other it’s pretty darn special and we all know it. It’s concentrated! 

It’s so much fun having company! I totally love it! I’m a pretty big fan of where I live… so having someone visiting makes me want to show them all of my favorite places… I grew up here!
It’s a pretty beautiful place here in Sarasota, Floria. There is a lot of culture and arts which to me makes our town pretty quaint. 

I’m so so excited to see them this summer but on the other side of the ocean! We are going to Sweden! and now we have an addition of a little nephew! cannot wait!