We made it to Sweden!!!

We have arrived to beautiful Sweden… after coming for years it feels like home… settling in feels good. Knowing what to expect feels even better…
Always before leaving Florida my heart starts to pound… the to-do lists start to pile… getting set for a 6 week vacation is quite a task… along with getting packed for such a long trip comes getting your home set and your business and saying goodbye to those you love… which for me is the hardest part. Going to Sweden you have to pack for unexpected weather… for instance two days ago it was bikini weather and yesterday there was hail… you never know… but clothes and shoes in Sweden are nearly triple so you want to be prepared to not have to make a trek to Lindex for a rain jacket…
Once we board our flight over the pond it almost feels like there are built in massage hands in our chairs… my shoulders start to lower… I start to remember how to breath… and I start to settle in to that awesome vacation mindset that I always try to hang on to… of course I have to remind myself again and again to breath… take it in… relax… but that’s part of being a parent I’m pretty sure.
My family in Sweden has a new home which we are staying in… it’s in the countryside which I have never lived in before over here… usually we are in the village but now we are in an intoxicating rose garden, cherry tree, giant song bird, old amazing home… paradise… and I am so happy to be here!
The girls explore the garden which winds in and out every which way to little berry patches and little seats to rest on. The wind chimes clang and the slugs get stepped on… 
The sky today is such a color of blue and I cannot wait to drink my 3rd cup of coffee in my rose garden oasis just outside our bedroom door… the bees are buzzing and humming… more later…