sunny girls…

 well you know how I’m a sucker for light… well the other night… I think it was our second night in Sweden, the sun was setting and dancing on the garden… the lavender, the roses… the hum of the bumble bees was gone… and it looked like things were starting to settle… but then the girls stood in front of me… and they were lit… sun sparkles peeked through their hair and I had to stop and get my camera!!!

Well our oldest girl Isabelle is getting to be quite good with the camera… they both are! It’s still too heavy for Cecilia… but it’s kinda fun now to see what types of things she sees when she looks through the lens. It’s also quite special when something beautiful is happening in front of Isabelle… she stops and says… I want to take a picture! She took these bottom pics of me and Cecilia… then the last image is one that Cecilia took of me…
Fun letting them be creative…
love these girls!