lazy days…








summer is here… it’s hot… it’s finally here!

the days of slowing down… having our beach vacation town to ourselves… wearing nothing but a sundress and flip flops (yes, and underwear) and a big sun hat!
ahhhh we’re happy we’re here!

I’m the type of person that makes any situation positive…
I always have been, just ask my Grandmother. 🙂
Even when it’s 98 degrees and 100% humidity you have to take it in and love it… at least there is a nice breeze…and hey listen to those birds!

School is out for summer … that’s another post…
lots of backyard adventures
catching tadpoles
slurping watermelon all the way down to your elbows… getting your toes stuck together by their juicy sweetness
but who cares when you’re cooling off in a kiddie pool!
we like to fill ours to the rim and the four of us get in and the water comes spilling over… we stretch our bodies to submerge to our chins and hang our legs over the edge while our toes drip drop drip…

this morning we sat in our garden which is the best time of day…
the air is cool… a little breeze and all the birds in town are in our backyard saying good morning to our little girls… which happily are saying hello back!
oh I just love this life… how did I get so lucky to have this!

so here we are sitting in our garden…
a lot of people in Florida take cover inside for the season but why…?
if you do that you can’t hear the birds singing
you can’t catch tadpoles
you can’t drip watermelon juice to your belly buttons

so for our family we will be living outside… keeping hydrated with coconut milk and watermelon and loving every minute!
(and celebrating life with berry pies!)