Happy Birthday Sweet Girl!


Our littlest just turned 2!! Her Birthday is a bit before Christmas Day and is oh so special! I love this time of year so why not throw in a birthday! We make it very special for her … I never want her to be one to say.. “oh I hated having my birthday at Christmas..” nope it’s not going to happen! From the moment she woke until she closed her eyes at night… the day was ALL about HER!!!


we sang songs to her and brought her breakfast in bed (blueberries in bed… very special) and we gave her, her presents….


this “Rody” pony is a hit!!! she loves it! we thought and thought of what to get her and then we came across this and I am so glad she gets so happy on her present!


she’s two… and she’s sweet as can be! I remember when she was born… we didn’t know what we were having… the bliss I felt when Pappa said, “She’s a GIRL… WE HAVE ANOTHER GIRL!” tears were in his eyes… and I screamed with JOY… “I LOVE HER!!! I LOVE HER!!!” what a crazy birthing high!!! She makes me so happy… she’s just this little bundle of love and I want to squeeze her to pieces and give her a million kisses!


we took her to one of her favorite places… Selby Botanical Gardens… it was a gorgeous day!




our girls love the Coi fish… these fish are amazing! they come right up to your hand and say hello… I once had to help one back in the water as he jumped a little too far out… gorgeous creatures…


We feel lucky to have this piece of tropical beauty close by… we love to visit…





birthday dinner…


Pappa and Isabelle made this decadent French Chocolate Flourless Torte! it was delicious!

Happy Birthday our Beautiful Cecilia!!! We wish you another year full of adventure, wonder, and lots and lots of giggles!!! You’re amazing!