I let her go……..

yes… she did it…she rode a bike!I was there… the first time she was on two wheels and let me tell you… my heart may have stopped…it was a HUGE deal!something about holding her small little back… hold it… hold it…then BAM…!letting go………….!it was HUGE!!!and I still feel my heart skip when she gets on … Read more

a nice Sunday!

the other day my girls and I got all dolled up and went for a fancy lunch!our oldest was so impressed that the napkins were folded pretty and there was even white blankets on the table… (white tablecloths)so we were very polite and enjoyed the most beautifulSunday lunch at a Spanish restaurant … and I … Read more

a bunch of things…

weekends are all about trying to spend some time at home…relaxing… recharging… breathing!lately though we have come crashing into our business’s most busiest time of year… 3 weddings this month… + I cannot even count how many family shoots we have done… let alone everything that goes with that. I am quite pleased though with … Read more

a day with our littlest…

a day with my littlest… is so so sweet!now that our oldest girl is off at kindergarten some days we like to take our littlest for little special days…even though maybe every hour she asks if it’s time to get Isabelle from “kindagaaden” … we have a lot of one-on-one timeand when it’s time to … Read more

tutu cute!

I cannot describe the sweetness of a little girl at ballet class…the little pink tummythe little ballet shoesit’s melting cute! We felt it was time to do something special for our youngest Cecilia…so we signed her up for ballet class…and she just LOVES it! it’s so cute how she concentrates and tries so hard…and talks … Read more

sidewalk chalk and some pies!

sometimes an afternoon of sidewalk chalk and a surprise stop by from Grandparents are enough to make us smile…I could sit out on our drive way covered knees with chalk…listening to our girls imaginations run wildtelling stories of different landsarguing with each other on which drawing really is a bird… not a cat!laying on tummies … Read more

slooooowwwww down!

these are some of my favorite parts… my favorite days!just being at home… biking on our sidewalk.. bar-b-qing fish in our garden… these are the little things that to me are BIG! sometimes life gets going … someone presses fast forward and all of a sudden two weeks have flown by and I find myself … Read more

windsurfing in the bay

it’s days like this that make us really appreciate where we live…it’s a paradise… hot, the bluest skies, clear blue water…just sitting on the edge of our bay…with great friendseating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches…taking tuns on the board.