another great meal…

I could just photograph our meals entirely…

I love how much love and passion goes into even breakfast… I love to set tables… it’s maybe my favorite thing. especially for parties…

but even for family dinners we feel it’s important to present our meals beautifully! Pappa says it’s important to have things looking nice and presented because we eat first with our eyes and then nose and then we taste….. It makes our meals special and we are then able to take our times and check in as a family…


a gorgeous salad with greens and edible flowers from our garden… always a fun summer treat!


a lot of this medley was grown by us too… I wish you could smell just how lovely this tasted…


a really fantastic drizzle Pappa and Isabelle made… lots of tarragon from our garden and olive oil and fig infused vinegar… mmmmmm!


when our kiddos help make things they are never hesitant to try… and they usually always love it!


and I will end in a pretty sweet sister shot… love how they fall asleep at times… in each others arms and hearts… so soft and happy…